Player statistics: thor1



Iron Cross 2nd Class Iron Cross 1st Class War Merit Cross 2nd Class War Merit Cross 1st Class Knight's Cross to the War Merit Cross Panzer Assault Badge 50 Panzer Assault Badge 75 Panzer Assault Badge 100

Hauptmann thor1

XP: 3773 Units killed: 1208 Total games: 68
Level: 10 Units lost: 1267 Wins total: 53
Max XP earned: 145 Units efficency: 2207% Losses total: 15
Max XP lost: 120 Key point efficency: 0% Most efficent against: USSR
Total play time 17:16 Least efficent against: Germany

Country Wins solo Wins team Wins total Losses solo Losses team Losses total Total games

Germany 42 0 42 5 0 5 47
USSR 11 0 11 10 0 10 21

Total 53 0 53 15 0 15 68


Map Games played

At Crossroads 13
Lake District 16
The Steppe Stronghold 11
The Death Height 16
Baptism by Fire 12

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