Hauptmann thor1
XP: |
3773 |
Units killed: |
1208 |
Total games: |
68 |
Level: |
10 |
Units lost: |
1267 |
Wins total: |
53 |
Max XP earned: |
145 |
Units efficency: |
2207% |
Losses total: |
15 |
Max XP lost: |
120 |
Key point efficency: |
0% |
Most efficent against: |
Total play time |
17:16 |
Least efficent against: |
Germany |
Country |
Wins solo |
Wins team |
Wins total |
Losses solo |
Losses team |
Losses total |
Total games |
Germany |
42 |
0 |
42 |
5 |
0 |
5 |
47 |
11 |
0 |
11 |
10 |
0 |
10 |
21 |
| |
At Crossroads |
13 |
Lake District |
16 |
The Steppe Stronghold |
11 |
The Death Height |
16 |
Baptism by Fire |
12 |