Player statistics: alexcore



Iron Cross 2nd Class Iron Cross 1st Class Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross War Merit Cross 2nd Class War Merit Cross 1st Class Knight's Cross to the War Merit Cross Panzer Assault Badge 50 Panzer Assault Badge 75 Panzer Assault Badge 100

Oberstleutnant alexcore

XP: 15399 Units killed: 80989 Total games: 2044
Level: 31 Units lost: 74677 Wins total: 1092
Max XP earned: 165 Units efficency: 0% Losses total: 952
Max XP lost: 130 Key point efficency: 0% Most efficent against: Germany
Total play time 37 days 8 hours Least efficent against: USSR

Country Wins solo Wins team Wins total Losses solo Losses team Losses total Total games

Germany 33 1057 1090 37 915 952 2042
USA 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
USSR 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

Total 35 1057 1092 37 915 952 2044

Favorite reinforcements

Reinforcement Times used

Tanks 7675
Tank Destroyers 5504
Elite Infantry 4479
Fighters 3081

Historical periods

Historical period Times played

1941-1942 201
1942-1943 209
1943-1944 1252
1944-1945 382


Map Games played

Desert Battles 1215
Tropical Climate 6
Autumn's Rain 11
Oasis 13
Europe's Tear 13
Bogged Down 8
Europe's Night 242
Stone Flower 518
Anscient Ruins 7
Frozen Rage 11

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