Player statistics: GENERALRADU



Iron Cross 2nd Class Iron Cross 1st Class Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross War Merit Cross 2nd Class War Merit Cross 1st Class Knight's Cross to the War Merit Cross Panzer Assault Badge 50 Panzer Assault Badge 75


Legion of Merit - Legionnaire Legion of Merit - Officer Bronze Star


XP: 4474 Units killed: 28883 Total games: 935
Level: 11 Units lost: 35105 Wins total: 396
Max XP earned: 165 Units efficency: 0% Losses total: 539
Max XP lost: 130 Key point efficency: 0% Most efficent against: USSR
Total play time 20 days 9 hours Least efficent against: Germany

Country Wins solo Wins team Wins total Losses solo Losses team Losses total Total games

Germany 20 350 370 29 470 499 869
USSR 2 24 26 0 40 40 66

Total 22 374 396 29 510 539 935

Favorite reinforcements

Reinforcement Times used

Fighters 4108
Tanks 2570
Main Infantry 1753
Ground Attack Planes 1227

Historical periods

Historical period Times played

1941-1942 126
1942-1943 100
1943-1944 196
1944-1945 513


Map Games played

Confrontation 9
Island 388
King of the Hill 93
Foxholes 445

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