XP: |
4474 |
Units killed: |
28883 |
Total games: |
935 |
Level: |
11 |
Units lost: |
35105 |
Wins total: |
396 |
Max XP earned: |
165 |
Units efficency: |
0% |
Losses total: |
539 |
Max XP lost: |
130 |
Key point efficency: |
0% |
Most efficent against: |
Total play time |
20 days 9 hours |
Least efficent against: |
Germany |
Country |
Wins solo |
Wins team |
Wins total |
Losses solo |
Losses team |
Losses total |
Total games |
Germany |
20 |
350 |
370 |
29 |
470 |
499 |
869 |
2 |
24 |
26 |
0 |
40 |
40 |
66 |
Total |
22 |
374 |
396 |
29 |
510 |
539 |
935 |
Favorite reinforcements
Fighters |
4108 |
Tanks |
2570 |
Main Infantry |
1753 |
Ground Attack Planes |
1227 |
| |
Historical periods
Historical period |
Times played |
1941-1942 |
126 |
1942-1943 |
100 |
1943-1944 |
196 |
1944-1945 |
513 |
Confrontation |
9 |
Island |
388 |
King of the Hill |
93 |
Foxholes |
445 |